Building Trust.
Changing Minds.

Circular shape with a piece cut out of it

Welcome to York Park Group

York Park Group is a public strategy firm that specialises in reputation, advocacy and issues management

Our team of specialists provide advice informed by decades of experience in research, media and PR, government relations, politics and public policy, campaigns and stakeholder engagement. Our offering is built on a commitment to provide advice that is intelligent, intuitive and completed with integrity.

Geoff Walsh AO

Geoff Walsh AO

Executive Chairman

"We're in the business of helping people advocate, and protect their reputation."

More about Geoff

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Reputation Management

We work with clients to build, maintain and manage reputation

Reputation drives your ability to run and grow your business, achieve outcomes, deliver for your customers or members or create change.

Reputation Management


We work with clients to engage with and advocate to key stakeholders

Public policy, social activism and public opinion have the potential to impact your organisation’s operations and objectives.


Issues And Crisis Management

We work with clients to understand, prepare for and respond to issues and crises

How you prepare for and respond to an issue or crisis will play a large part in your organisation’s ability to survive and recover from negative media coverage or public perception.

Issues And Crisis Management

About us

Our team of specialists provide advice informed by decades of experience


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York Park Group is a proud co-sponsor of the Australian Political Book of the Year Award